This section includes PDF reference material for Leslie McDevitt's various Pattern Games, designed to create a predictable framework that you can, over time, move to increasingly more distracting environments to help a dog make choices and hold a conversation with you about the environment and their comfort level. It is not always easy to see on a phone, so please use the youtube link below if you are on a mobile device.
Please check out Leslie's YouTube channel for videos and detailed descriptions, and also check out her book Control Unleashed Reactive to Relaxed.
What can you use a pattern game for? I've used 123 Walking to move my dog when he was nose to nose with a panicking raccoon, I've used Superbowls and LATTE to cure a dog with fire phobia so he could relax in the living room with his family in the winter with a fire going, I've used GMAB to help a dog reactive to sudden environmental contrast get comfortable with people moving around, the list goes on!
Want expert guidance in the strategic use of these games and to make sure your technique is great? You can set up lessons with me to learn. If you are in the Baltimore metro area, we can work in person, and virtual lessons are perfect for this work if you're outside the area. You just need Zoom and a bit of open space in your home.
** Games are in alphabetical order below except for Superbowls at the very bottom due to the type of file available.
** If you are on mobile or some browsers, you may only see Superbowls below. Try a laptop or other browser to see a bunch of PDF files.